
Harmonic reducer in the installation of the matters needing attention?

In order to effectively avoid the possibility of vibration and abnormal noise during operation of the harmonic reducer due to errors during assembly. In the assembly of harmonic reducer should pay attention to the wave generator and rigid flexible wheel



The characteristics of harmonic reducer is reflected in several aspects?

The transmission of harmonic reducer is mainly composed of three parts, mainly including wave generator, flexible wheel, rigid wheel, etc. In the whole transmission process, it is better than ordinary transmission reducer, higher efficiency, and the number of parts is less. Compared with ordinary gears, the number of gears is larger, which makes the harmonic reducer more accurate and has a large carrying capacity, which can realize the characteristics of large speed ratio and small volume.



Installation and connection of four common shape harmonic reducer

Harmonic reducer is mainly composed of four basic components: wave generator, flexible gear, flexible bearing and rigid gear. Harmonic reducer is a kind of gear transmission that relies on wave generator to assemble flexible bearing to make flexible gear produce controllable elastic deformation and meshing with rigid gear to transmit motion and power. Different shapes will cause some differences in installation and connection.



Industrial robots how to distinguish between the use of harmonic reducer and RV reducer

The reducer for industrial robots is required to have the characteristics of short transmission chain, small size, high power, light weight and easy control. The precision reducer makes the robot servo motor run at a suitable speed, and accurately reduces the speed to the speed required by each part of the industrial robot, and improves the rigidity of the mechanical body while outputting greater torque; the reducer used in the industrial robot Mainly have RV reducer and harmonic reducer. How to distinguish between use?



8 Benefits of Using Harmonic Reducers in Robot Performance

8 major benefits of using harmonic reducer in robot performance: high reduction ratio; small backlash; high precision; few parts, easy installation; small size and light weight; high torque capacity; high efficiency; low noise.



Harmonic reducer how to solve the noise problem

Harmonic reducer is through the elastic deformation to achieve harmonic drive function, compared to other gear reducer its noise is relatively small, and the main reason for the noise is generated by the gear drive friction, vibration and collision, how to effectively reduce the noise, in use should pay attention to what problems, you can use and maintenance of the reducer.

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